Saturday, December 27, 2008
Merry Christmas to all!
More times than not, I leave a store somewhat humiliated by something the kids have done. However, the Christmas spirit was in the air...and Target. We had gone out to do some last minute shopping (looking). I was in the check out isle with M and N was with daddy. Over all the beeping, talking and other noise, I hear a familiar voice saying "Merry Tristmas" (he has trouble saying his c's). As each person walked by him, there N was standing at the snack bar, wishing them a Merry Christmas. And, if someone didn't say it back, he would keep saying it until they did. I observed the shoppers and workers watching this little boy, and they couldn't help but smile. I then looked at the lady checking my stuff out and said "I guess I'll claim him." She replied "I definately would." I have a feeling that several people went home, and shared the story that some little boy at Target was wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. So, thanks to N for spreading the Christmas Spirit that day! (can my next experience there be as good???)
Friday, December 12, 2008
This is fun.
Someone introduced me to this website and I thought it was funny. It was a lot of fun to create and even more fun to watch. The laughter came at a good time with the death of my Grandfather. The characters are my wife, children, mother-in-law, and of course myself. Watch, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Sad day for the Fisher family.
Today is a day of mourning for the Fisher family. My Grandfather on my father's side passed away yesterday. Apparently he went to sleep and didn't wake up. It was very unexpected.
As I found out the news yesterday, I didn't quite know how to take it. But as I have progressed through today I find myself becoming increasingly sad.
I have a lot of good memories with my Grandfather. There was the time he took me on a special trip in his plane. We flew to the beach, walked along the beach at sunset, slept under the wings of the plane. Then we flew to breakfest at a near by airport and had breakfest with all of his flying buddies. It was a wonderful day for me.
There was also the time that he took my brother and I up in his plane and did flips, and loopy loops (which scared my mother half to death) making all the neighborhood kids jealous.
My Grandfather would come see us once a year and his tradition was to take us out to breakfast. As a teenager my siblings and I use to joke that breakfast with Grandpa was his attempt at making sure our lives were in order and he would give his opinions on where we think our lives should be headed. As I got older and developed a family of my own, he would still take us out for breakfast, but all he would talk about were his Great Grandkids and how life was for all of us.
I loved my Grandfather deeply and I will miss him. Although I didn't get to see him very often, I know he loved us and cared for us. I hope my Grandmother (who is one of my favorite people in the world) is going to be okay. The nice thing about being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ is the knowledge that families are eternal and that though gives me great comfort and happiness.
Grandpa, I love you and hope I make you proud.
As I found out the news yesterday, I didn't quite know how to take it. But as I have progressed through today I find myself becoming increasingly sad.
I have a lot of good memories with my Grandfather. There was the time he took me on a special trip in his plane. We flew to the beach, walked along the beach at sunset, slept under the wings of the plane. Then we flew to breakfest at a near by airport and had breakfest with all of his flying buddies. It was a wonderful day for me.
There was also the time that he took my brother and I up in his plane and did flips, and loopy loops (which scared my mother half to death) making all the neighborhood kids jealous.
My Grandfather would come see us once a year and his tradition was to take us out to breakfast. As a teenager my siblings and I use to joke that breakfast with Grandpa was his attempt at making sure our lives were in order and he would give his opinions on where we think our lives should be headed. As I got older and developed a family of my own, he would still take us out for breakfast, but all he would talk about were his Great Grandkids and how life was for all of us.
I loved my Grandfather deeply and I will miss him. Although I didn't get to see him very often, I know he loved us and cared for us. I hope my Grandmother (who is one of my favorite people in the world) is going to be okay. The nice thing about being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ is the knowledge that families are eternal and that though gives me great comfort and happiness.
Grandpa, I love you and hope I make you proud.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
I had a fun time on Friday night, as I was able to spend a couple of hours with a couple of really good guys and we had some fun. First, I ate way too much at El Charro, but the food was delicious.
Then we went bowling. This is where the wow factor comes in. We bowled two games, the first I did my typical, barely reach 100. But on the second game, I bowled 4 strikes in a row and then later bowled another. My final score was 166. I have never bowled that high before. I had to let the guys I was with know that it really was luck and I don't ever expect to get those scores again. I think another contributor was one of my friends encouraging me to set my goal higher, well it worked, so thanks for that.
Then we had some ice cream, which tasted surprisingly good on a cold night. I so appreciate the people who watched my kids so my wife could go to a nice party with her friends and I could hang out with mine. By the way, I think my wife had a great time at her little get together. Good job madame hostess on throwing a good party that my wife loved.
Then we went bowling. This is where the wow factor comes in. We bowled two games, the first I did my typical, barely reach 100. But on the second game, I bowled 4 strikes in a row and then later bowled another. My final score was 166. I have never bowled that high before. I had to let the guys I was with know that it really was luck and I don't ever expect to get those scores again. I think another contributor was one of my friends encouraging me to set my goal higher, well it worked, so thanks for that.
Then we had some ice cream, which tasted surprisingly good on a cold night. I so appreciate the people who watched my kids so my wife could go to a nice party with her friends and I could hang out with mine. By the way, I think my wife had a great time at her little get together. Good job madame hostess on throwing a good party that my wife loved.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I don't have pictures to post, but I just felt like writing about a couple events of the day. First of all, the snow(even though not much) just made me happy. I was driving up Wadsworth, and even though the beautiful leaves are long gone, I saw the beauty of the small town drive and just felt blessed to have a wonderful family, terrific friends who support me, and this great Christmas season. So, I figured to continue in the spirit of things, we should bundle the kids up and go to the Christmas parade. It was while we were standing the snow... in the cold...with no gloves to be found on the kids' hands...that I realized.... I don't like parades! What happened to cool floats and exciting things. I mean seriously, I could just enter my van next year and represent the cause of "We definately don't Litter" and that might be more exciting and more decorative than half the things I saw. Sorry for those of you who love parades. (of coarse, the Macy's parade is an exception.) But, with that said, I'll see you along the street next year!
Then it was time to decorate the Christmas tree. I'm already 2 weeks late, so it had to be done tonight. And it was. We had it all....broken ornaments....screaming (from me and the kids)...lovely Christmas music...the fake tree getting everywhere...N putting ornaments on top of each other and M taking them down. No, it won't go down as the best tree decorating ever, but...this is us and I wouldn't want anything else.
Then it was time to decorate the Christmas tree. I'm already 2 weeks late, so it had to be done tonight. And it was. We had it all....broken ornaments....screaming (from me and the kids)...lovely Christmas music...the fake tree getting everywhere...N putting ornaments on top of each other and M taking them down. No, it won't go down as the best tree decorating ever, but...this is us and I wouldn't want anything else.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Atlast...the change you have all been waiting on. And even this is old! It's not like things haven't been going on...It's the fact that I'm just that slow! So, anyway, here are some new pictures.
I love Halloween! I had M's costume, but was having a hard time coming up with N's! Finally, thanks to our friend, who N says "loves him", we had a bee and a dinosaur.

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Creating at the Farmers Market

We love it when Radford puts on fun things for families to do. We went down to the Farmers Market located in Downtown Radford and had a good time. N was able to pick out a pumpkin and paint it. He was really fun to watch. I think he used almost every color they had and completely covered the pumpkin.
Then we got to go pick out some old clothes and make a scarecrow. Even M was able to participate in this activity. Although there was a number of times we had to tell her to stop eating the hay. I guess that's the good old country girl coming out of her. After we tied the limbs of the scarecrow and and N made a face for it out of a paper bag, the scarecrow was complete.
It is currently sitting in our front yard, and everytime I pull up to the house I think that there is some kid standing in our front yard.
It was a good family activity and we all had a great time. GO RADFORD!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Vacationing in...Wytheville, VA???

Monday, August 11, 2008
Heading back to work.
Well, today was sort of the official start for me in heading back to work. It about broke my heart this morning when I had to tell "N" that I was going to work. He bowed his head, puckered his little lips and let out a little wimper. I am sure he is going to get over it eventually, but it doesn't make it any easier.
I am excited for the new year however. I am embarking on a new adventure. I am not just teaching one subject anymore. I am teaching 6th grade History (1877 to present) the first half of the year and 7th Grade Civics the second half. Since I have already taught Civics for two years I am not to worried about it, except I have to adjust from 60 min. classes to 90 min classes. I haven't taught the history before however so I am a little nervous. I love that era in U.S. history and history is my passion, but it doesn't make it any easier.
We have been blessed lately because Melinda has picked up 4 more piano lessons with the possiblity of two more coming soon. Hurray!!!
Our new niece, on Melinda's side of the family, is doing well. She was a preemie and we were all concerned about her weight, but since her last visit to the doctor she has gained weight and we are all happy. This will probably be the last time someone is happy they gained weight. :)
We got our front room painted. It was half solid and have sponge painted before and Melinda hated it! So her dad, "N", and I painted it all one color and I must say, it does look much better. I guess I will never question my wife's authority on what looks good again. It only took me 5 years to realize that.
Catch ya'll later.
I am excited for the new year however. I am embarking on a new adventure. I am not just teaching one subject anymore. I am teaching 6th grade History (1877 to present) the first half of the year and 7th Grade Civics the second half. Since I have already taught Civics for two years I am not to worried about it, except I have to adjust from 60 min. classes to 90 min classes. I haven't taught the history before however so I am a little nervous. I love that era in U.S. history and history is my passion, but it doesn't make it any easier.
We have been blessed lately because Melinda has picked up 4 more piano lessons with the possiblity of two more coming soon. Hurray!!!
Our new niece, on Melinda's side of the family, is doing well. She was a preemie and we were all concerned about her weight, but since her last visit to the doctor she has gained weight and we are all happy. This will probably be the last time someone is happy they gained weight. :)
We got our front room painted. It was half solid and have sponge painted before and Melinda hated it! So her dad, "N", and I painted it all one color and I must say, it does look much better. I guess I will never question my wife's authority on what looks good again. It only took me 5 years to realize that.
Catch ya'll later.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
This is N's first time bowling. It was a lot of fun. Now he wants to go back and do it again. But I don't know what is better, the bowl or the dance that he does afterward. It is great!!!!
My trip to Utah

Here are some pictures that I took. Please don't laugh at my attemp to be a good photographer, I am by no means good but it was fun to try.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

So, we wanted to plant a garden. We went to Lowes', bought all the plants and things we needed...Planted our garden...and waited. We watered it, weeded it, all the things we needed. And after all this time, we finally saw the fruits of our labors.....ONE SINGLE CHERRY TOMATO!!!! Do you know how hard it is to split a tomato that small 4 ways! Just kidding! I ate it and enjoyed all 2 bites (I stretched it out!) But, it looks like we might get a couple more. I guess we'll try again next year for the squash, zuchini and other good things!
Monday, July 7, 2008
We're finally Bloggers!
We have finally made it into the blogging world! Now, we just have to keep up with it! And, all of you were didn't take long! (of course, Richard did all of the work!) So, hello to all and until next post.....
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