Since an actual vacation was not in the works for us this summer, my parents wanted to spend a "fun day" with us before Richard went back to work. So, we of coarse waited until the last possible day to do so! I was the travel agent and found that there was an Animal Park in Ft. Chiswell. (who knew?!) I figured that it was worth it to take a chance and go. After all, you can't go wrong with kids and animals, right?

We got there before it even opened, because I wanted to miss the mad rush to take the safari tour! Yes, I said safari tour...in Ft. Chiswell! First, we are informed that you can buy some food to feed the animals, and I just knew that N wouldn't want to miss that. Well, we soon found out that goats can be pretty pushy when someone is holding a cup full of food. We walk around the "petting zoo" (with the goats) and soon found the spot to be was infront of the monkeys! N and M loved them! (I think it's because they are such monkeys themselves!) Then we went on the safari tour...

And my husband became more than friendly with Humphrey, the camel! His lips didn't touch mine for quite sometime! The bus ride was fun, although quite frightening with a bus that I was sure was going to break down, an osterich that was even more aggressive for the food than the goats, and Heidi the tour guide who was the best little country girl that made it a great time!

After the exciting time at the Ft. Chiswell Animal Park, we ate lunch, and then went to Galewinds--- a place that we all had fun in! Richard and N rode the go-carts firt, and then N rode with me. Richard went again, and lapped me soon after the start of the race! But, about half way through, N looks at me and says, "Mommy, you sure are a good driver!" We then went in to the arcade and had a blast with all the quarters Paw-paw and Maw-maw had from their change bucket! And, I must say, Paw-paw and Maw- maw were the last to finish! The day was great and the kids were extremely tired! ( so were we!) But, it guess it goes to show that you don't always have to go far to have a great time!
Richard needs some listerine after all that "getting close" with a camel.
Awwwww...N knows you are a good driver! That is so cute!
I can't believe Fort Chiswell has such an incredible place!
Richard, that was a shocking public display of affection. Indeed!
That is the best place...we had F's bday party last year, and what it is & where it is, we were thoroughly impressed. Yay to fun days. Boo to school!
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