So, we wanted to plant a garden. We went to Lowes', bought all the plants and things we needed...Planted our garden...and waited. We watered it, weeded it, all the things we needed. And after all this time, we finally saw the fruits of our labors.....ONE SINGLE CHERRY TOMATO!!!! Do you know how hard it is to split a tomato that small 4 ways! Just kidding! I ate it and enjoyed all 2 bites (I stretched it out!) But, it looks like we might get a couple more. I guess we'll try again next year for the squash, zuchini and other good things!
Ah, the law of obedience! Don't you love it. I just got my first cherry tomato today too and it was delish. I feel badly though b/c our tomatoes are doing great, but you have done the work and we barely keep the weeds from strangling ours. I'll bring you zuch tonight--and yay to your post!
I agree with Jaime...you will be blessed for being obedient. And...nothing will spoil before you have a chance to pick it, right?
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw! I remember my cowgirl days!!!!!!
I think when we went ice skating I wasn't serving in Young Women's yet...I think it was when Mike was Young Men's president so we all went as a family.
I just got called into Young Women, again after a long stint in Primary. I thought of you immediately! How will I serve in YW without my Melinda!? (I am the Mia Maid advisor)
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