One of the great things about snow days is the wonderful opportunity I get to play with my kids. I took the opportunity to play with each of them. With M, we sat down and played with her many Princess Barbies, plus one Jesse Doll.
It really is amazing the things Princess dolls can do. They can fly, jump real high, and even stand on each others heads. It is amazing the things you will do just to spend time with your daughter and watch her smile and laugh. We had a blast together.
I guess after a while I wasn't doing a good enough job with the princesses, so I was reduced to just being Ken, whom all the princesses don't like and just want to beat up and throw him out. It doens't help that he only has swimming trunks and doesn't quite fit in. However, if my little girl thinks that you are suppose to throw out hot guys who try to mess with you, then that is fine with me :)
The next day I took my son on a daddy/son adventure. We ate lunch at McDonalds, because he said he wanted to eat at "Old McDonalds". Then we went to the rec-center where we played air hockey, which the little man is good at, and foosball. Then we went and shot some basketball. It was a little hard for him since they only had adult size balls and the 10' baskets. He made a few shots, but then he got tire of having to throw the ball so hard. So we borrowed some racquettball equipment, went into the racquettball room and hit the ball around. HE LOVED IT! He thought it was so cool you could hit the ball as hard as you want and don't have to worry about loosing the ball or breaking anything. We did that for at least 40 minutes. He was sad we had to leave and continues to ask me when we can go play again.
With more fun times like this, I say, BRING ON THE SNOW!!!
You just be careful what you wish for Richard!
You are such a great dad!! I guess Ken in Toy Story 3 is right, Ken is not a girl toy!! Apparently the princesses aren't either when you are around.
Please keep blogging! I love to read about your adventures with your family.
I'm so glad you blogged. I haven't seen you in forever and seriously didn't even recognize M. Your kids are getting so big! I miss you guys tonz!
What a fun day! You are such a good daddy.
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