We have been having problems with our basement flooding and it all came from the drain outside our basement door getting clogged during a really hard rain. So first my father and law and I built a tiny wall under the deck to stop gunk from flowing down the basement stairs from under the deck, but we were still getting stuff in the drain because it would fall from our tree.
Finally, my father in-law and I were able to spend the good part of the day today building an awning over the basement stairs. My father in-law had the plan, but we worked together to build it, and I am happy to say that I actually did a lot of work. I will be the first to admit that my talent in building things is small but with the help of my father in-law it is sturdy and looks good and I learned a lot. Now we just need a good hard rain to see its effectivness.
Thanks Paw-Paw for your help and vision. It was a successful day and I am really happy at the job well done and for the things I learned. Your guidance and expertise was amazing. You truly are a talented man. We kept saying that we better be careful people might actually believe we know what we are doing.
It looks really good! We may have to use your expertise if we have basement issues again too.
Wow, no wonder he has such a smart daughter.
That is awesome!!
We don't have basements here in Georgia but if we did and it flooded I would refer to this creation.
Hey Melinda, thanks so much for your sweet message on my blog. I love ya, girlie!!
that is some pretty awesome handy man stuff. I bet N was in the thick of everything!!!
Oh yea N was. About every two minutes, "What can I do to help?". There were some things he could and other he couldn't. Ultimatly there are some nails that are the product of his hammering.
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