Once again, the snow has kept me home, and I took advantage of it and spent some time in the snow with N. It was so much fun. The community snow hill is at McCarg Elementary School and the slope was good today. Last year, N was to scared to go down the hill. This year, there was no holding back. When I thought he would be done he kept wanting to go more. It was so much fun.
Suprsising, N was quite good at scaling back up the hillside. I had my doubts because I know how hard it is for me to do so.

Unfortunately, the day didn't go off without a hitch. While we were there, we meet B. T. as his grandpa. He wanted to race me down the hill. I told him I would and we were off. He got ahead of me because...well... I create more friction against the snow. Apparently he lost his balance and fell of his sled and the poor boy did a nose dive into the snow. I say apparenlty because I couldn't see much of it because my sled had turned me around. At the very last moment I was able to see he was off his sled but then it was too late, I hit him while he was on the ground. I cannot say how upset I was. I think I was more upset than he was. Even though it was an accident, I felt a large amount of guilt. He was a trooper, he walked back up the hill with a bloody lip and bruised face and was able to say that he was okay without a tear in his eye. I still can't think about it and not feel bad. I really am very sorry "B".!!!
This was a good shot of N's first solo ride. What a good accomplishment for him.
He's fine! No guilt necessary.
What a fun day! Just another reason why I want kids. If you go out and play in the snow by yourself, you look really weird. Especially when you're 32 years old.
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