There are a few shows that I really enjoying watching. They are shows that I will go out of my way to watch. I have even been known to change my schedule so I can see them. They are:
American Idol
But the best of all time just started back up. I found myself rubbing my hands together, and pounding my chest out of pure excitment. I have never been so excited to watch a show like I have for this one. That show is:

I can thank some friends and their introduction to this addicting drug. I borrowed season 1 and 2 from some friends and then I was hooked. I then watched seaons 3 & 4 online in a matter of couple weeks. What can I say, I fell in love with the show. Melinda has not watched any of them and I wish she had because it would be fun to share it with her. Oh, well she has "Twilight" and I have "Lost". I am ready for a good season. The first episode that I watched tonight was great. I can't wait till next week. The only problem is, I will have to give up "Criminal Minds" because it runs the same time as "Lost" and "Lost" wins. Maybe they have "CM" online.
We were really excited for Lost to start as well. Ryan wasn't pounding his chest or anything, but he was really look forward to it. Guess what though... I was so tired from my crazy day that I fell asleep. Thank goodness for that DVR.
I love Lost, American Idol and Criminal minds too! Anyway they do have it online on! Enjoy!
For me it's Heroes, and Big Bang Theory
Then there are those of us who love Twilight AND LOST! The best of both worlds:)
Wow! I'm an outcast on my own blog. And, for the record, I was the one who the DVD's were loaned to....I didn't watch...Richard did...Thanks Turners! Now I'm such and loner! How about everyone take the kids for several days and I"ll catch up?! NO? Maybe one day....
I hear you!!! We got hooked by borrowing the first two seasons as well. Tell Melinda she can have Twilight AND LOST! If I lived closer I would watch your kids so she could get caught up. Dan and I totally look forward to cuddling on the couch after Kaili's asleep and watching those few shows that we both enjoy - like LOST. We have the same dilemma with Criminal Minds bc the episodes aren't online. So we watch Criminal Minds on tv and then watch LOST the next day on the internet. It requires some self control, but hey, we get to watch both shows. Just make sure no one talks about it before you get to watch it!
Richard tell Melinda she must totally watch LOST. It is great. Brett is like her and hasn't watched it yet but I know he would be into it if he did. I haven't seen the season premier yet and probably won't until I get home at this point and am anxious for it. Twilight and Lost can definitely be in the same sphere :)
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