There are a few shows that I really enjoying watching. They are shows that I will go out of my way to watch. I have even been known to change my schedule so I can see them. They are:
American Idol
But the best of all time just started back up. I found myself rubbing my hands together, and pounding my chest out of pure excitment. I have never been so excited to watch a show like I have for this one. That show is:

I can thank some friends and their introduction to this addicting drug. I borrowed season 1 and 2 from some friends and then I was hooked. I then watched seaons 3 & 4 online in a matter of couple weeks. What can I say, I fell in love with the show. Melinda has not watched any of them and I wish she had because it would be fun to share it with her. Oh, well she has "Twilight" and I have "Lost". I am ready for a good season. The first episode that I watched tonight was great. I can't wait till next week. The only problem is, I will have to give up "Criminal Minds" because it runs the same time as "Lost" and "Lost" wins. Maybe they have "CM" online.